Selected tournament: 2. Split Karate Cup

Place: Sports Hall OŠ "Žnjan" PAZDIGRAD, Pazdigradska 1, 21000 Split, Hrvatska
Schedule: 20.05.2018
Organizer: Karate klub Dalmacija Split
Registrations till: 19.05.2018 12:00:00
Contact: gosp. Luka Karan -> +385 95 198 64 63;
Disciplines: Kumite, Kata
How to find us:
Full description: All necessary information concerning each competitor is obtained from official documents (passport, personal or medical card). All competitors must have a medical examination (no older than 6 months) and be able to compete. Competitors enter this competition at their own risk; Organizers are absolved of any claims, which may arise however so caused. Depending on the number of entries, the organizer reserves the right to combine categories.

Cadets, juniors & seniors - WKF rules.
Children - adjusted WKF rules

The organizer prepared attractive awards for winners.
On winning ceremony all competitors must wear kimono and be barefoot or
with sport shoes. 
Info about registrations: The entry form should be sent online via:
Deadline for sending entries is Friday 18. May 2017.

The draw will be available on Saturday, 19. May on the link: 
Fee: 17 € for individual category.
27€ for team category. 

Entry fee can be paid in sport hall one hour before each category.
Tournament schedule: SUNDAY, 20.05.2018.
08:30 - arrival of competitors and registrations
09:30 - open ceremony
10:00 - start of KATA competition
12:30 - start of boys and girls kumite competition
14:00 - senior kumite
16:00 - cadet kumite
17:00 - junior kumite 
Total number of entries: 655
Total number of competitors: 568
total number of clubs: 51
Total number of countries: 3