Selected tournament: Dalmatinska karate liga

Place: PLOČE
Schedule: 07.04.2019
Registrations till: 05.04.2019 23:59:00
Contact: Jerko Srzentić -> 091 332 72 60
Disciplines: Kumite, Kata
Full description: Točan raspored i propozicije nakon pretprijava.
Info about registrations:
Tournament schedule:


10:00h Početak natjecanja u katama.

11:00h Svečano otvorenje

11:15h Borbe cicibani/cicibanke i ml.učenici/ml.učenice

12:15h Borbe učenici/učenice

13:00h Pauza za suce

13:30h Borbe ml.kadeti/ml.kadetkinje

14:30h Borbe kadeti/kadetkinje

Total number of entries: 362
Total number of competitors: 350
total number of clubs: 19
Total number of countries: 1